If you have a high school senior did you know they need a vaccination or they could be sent home from school? Same for a seventh grader. Ourquadcities.com says Davenport Community Schools began requiring students entering seventh grade and high school seniors to have the Meningitis vaccine. Several didn't and were sent home from school on the first day.

Davenport Community Schools Head Nurse Gina Ekstrom says they need a record that the child has received the shot, or a medical or religious exemption for the child before he or she can attend class. She told Ourquadcities.com that last year the law was new and parents weren't aware that their children needed the immunization. This year she hopes parents are more aware.

Vaccines and booster shots aren't just for kids and teens. Over the last several years I've asked my doctor if I've needed any booster immunizations, or if there's any new immunizations I should get based on my medical history. Twice, after reviewing my records there were recommendations to update or add a vaccine. So you may want to ask that question of your doctor at you're next physical.

Davenport kids go back to school on August 23.


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