I grew up in Andalusia, IL. (Go Rockets!) and I have never heard of a donation like this!

When it comes to learning a career, there is nothing like getting hands-on training and lots of practice.  I definitely learned this early on in radio! But when it comes to jobs like firefighting, which can sometimes be dangerous (Hey! Radio can be kinda dangerous too...when I stick my foot in my mouth! haha) kids who want to be in that career field, don't get much, if any training, prior to adulthood.

Thanks to the Andalusia Fire Department, this is no longer the case in the Quad Cities! Yesterday, they generously donated a fire truck they no longer needed to the Fire Fighting Program at the Area Career Center located at United Township High School.  Instead of learning how to fill a tank and load and unload fire hoses from a book or video, now students can just do it themselves. This is just one of the many reasons why I loved growing up there. My Dad was a Paramedic and instrumental on the volunteer ambulance service, something my wonderful brother-in-law volunteers for.

I think it's important to do what's necessary to inspire and encourage kids in acts of service in our communities. It's certainly important somebody shows up with these things when we need them most.

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