As World Breastfeeding Week came to a close last week, here we are (again..*sigh) with the topic of a woman using her breasts to feed growing little ones, making the headlines (controversially, I might add, but am puzzled as to 'why' exactly).  I take this all very personally, because I too, have breastfed just like this woman and I have a beautiful story to share.

Like this mama, I have breastfed two little ones at once.  One of my children was a toddler and the other, a newborn. It's called tandem nursing and remains one of my most valued memories. I can't even begin to describe the amount of nutrition, nurture and bonding this created with my girls.  They held hands, look into each other's eyes and would even make each other laugh, all while being nourished at my breast (after all, it's what they are there for after you give birth, should it be your choice to breastfeed). I still tear up thinking about those precious moments!

Like this mama, it was my pleasure to share my milk with another baby, who wasn't biologically mine. I didn't even think twice about expressing my milk for my best friend's baby. He was hungry and crying, formula was not an option because this mama absolutely wanted to breastfeed, but her milk had not come in yet and the baby was having a very difficult time latching on. It was the roughest two weeks of their lives.I am still so honored to this day, that she asked me and trusted me enough to help her care for her child in this way when she wasn't able to for a few days. We were able to supplement with my milk until hers came in and the baby was still receiving all the health benefits of breast milk, which is what the parents wanted for their child.

Come to find out, the baby had some cranial misalignment from birth (happens quite often, resulting in a baby having difficulties nursing). Once he saw a pediatric chiropractor, he began to latch on just fine and he and his mama went on to have a beautiful nursing relationship.

Unlike this mama, I have not nursed another child, but I wouldn't hesitate to. I wouldn't even think twice about sharing what I used to make in abundance, with another child who needed it. We have to face the fact that, ultimately, we are a tribal species. Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, best friends, etc... used to all breastfeed one another's babies. Whoever had the milk and was most convenient at the time, never thought twice about picking up a crying baby or helping for one or two feedings while the work got done that helped entire families and tribes thrive. World-wide, wet nursing and milk sharing is still in practice and no one ever thinks twice about it! In fact, you can even adopt a baby, make yourself lactate and breast feed! Many do not even know that is possible!

I think breastfeeding is one of the biggest public health issues of our times, especially in our society. I commend this mama for helping another woman's child out by nursing him since he was 5 months old. I am happy to see that she is STILL nursing two toddlers. She looks happy, they are secure, comforted, nourished and well-fed and appear to be developing normally.

I think this mama is a super-hero and hope she continues to help bring positive awareness and helps in the NORMALIZATION of breastfeeding world-wide.


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