As I was playing Carrie Underwood's hit song, inside 10-in-a-row this morning, I couldn't help but chuckle. I no longer hear "Jesus take the Wheel."  I only hear "Jesus Take the Wii."  The funniest part about this? I know for a fact I am not the only one.

I got a call at midnight a few weeks ago from my sister. Because I do the morning show, nearly everyone knows, unless they want the snarky-horror-flick version-of-Joni to come out, they better only call during business hours. What saved my sister? Jesus Take the Wii. She was laughing when I answered the phone, after having been jolted from my sleep when I heard the ring. All she could say was "Jesus Take the Wii! Bwwaahahahahahaha" Her laughter was contagious. That was her entire reason for calling. To tell me that every time she hears Carrie Underwood's song, that this is all she can think about. It's the same for me and nearly every other person who has seen this video.

I think this man has a very talented voice. I can't even hit these high notes! I did some looking into to him a couple years ago. Come to find out he is doing well, still sings karaoke (nearly professionally) and since he made Youtube stardom, he became quite popular. I recall reading something about a recording deal at one point, but can't re-verify that info, so I'll chalk it up to a little juicy gossip.  This may be labeled a "fail" but it's a total "win" in my book. Anything that can make me laugh as hard as I laughed the first 20 times I watched, is a HUGE win in my book!

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