
Don't Get Scammed This Holiday Season
Don't Get Scammed This Holiday Season
Don't Get Scammed This Holiday Season
Experts say that could increase scamming situations occur more frequently during the holiday season. Not only do these scams happen online, but offline too. According to, QC financial professionals, says scams continue to happen over the phone and our elderly population are favorite targets...
This Gross Habit Could Be Making Quad Citians Sick
This Gross Habit Could Be Making Quad Citians Sick
This Gross Habit Could Be Making Quad Citians Sick
Most of us take our phones everywhere, so it's no secret that 75% of Quad Citians have admitted to using the phone while going to the bathroom. While it might see like a genius way of multi-tasking, this habit could actually make you sick...
Scammers Target Quad Cities
Scammers Target Quad Cities
Scammers Target Quad Cities
Quad City area police say they've been receiving many calls and reports of scams targeting the elderly and college-aged kids in and around the Quad Cities. Tipton, Iowa police remind you to remember the following: If someone calls, says they are with the IRS, and you owe thousands in back taxes, but they are willing to take less than you owe if you go RIGHT now and purchase gift cards to cover yo
AT&T to Dump IL Landlines
AT&T to Dump IL Landlines
AT&T to Dump IL Landlines
I don't care for wireless phone service. While the portability is convenient, the sound quality is nowhere near equal to a landline phone, and the delay when you're trying to talk to someone drives me crazy. I'd never even consider an internet phone based on how sketchy internet service is...