Like every parent, we teach our children not to talk to strangers. Some of us even teach them tactics to get out of a situation verbally and how to get help if they need it. Some of us truly believe our children will remember what we have taught them and use the skills we have passed along, feeling safer we have done the right thing. What I saw in this video shocked me and I wonder if my kiddos are safe too. WATCH.

In this video, Joe is conducting a social experiment, asking Moms if they have talked to their children about not talking to strangers often. Every parent said 'yes', naturally. We all have these talks with our children but also secretly hoping they will never be approached or worse for us all, never make the wrong decision and end up abducted. It is something we all hope and wish will NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER happen to our children or any child, for that matter. What do you think your child would do?


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