I'll admit. There are songs that exist out there, that I only *think* I know the lyrics to.  You know, you sing along and then get the part in the song where you sing whatever it sounds like? THAT. 

The older I get, the more my brain is not able to remember lyrics. This became quite obvious to me while singing Billie Jean on stage with Charlie Worsham and I forgot lyrics I have known for nearly my entire life!! Nerves likely also played a role in that situation.

Between all the "Mom" stuff that gets crammed in there on a daily basis: four different schedules for each of us, remembering where I put the keys is a 'win' for my day, yet alone, trying to figure out what the hell a "yiddy one-iced 10 packed down with some silver bullets" is. See what I mean?  I don't even think I'm saying THAT correctly! (Now that I mention it, that was one thing I meant to ask Chris Janson in our interview!). I meant to ask him what that was and what it meant.

Thankfully, I have a great co-worker, Jay Rush, who not only can understand lyrics better than I can, but is kind enough to tell me what they are and what they mean if I don't know.
So far, here are a few I have managed to screw up:

What Joni hears:  Yiddy one-iced 10 packed down with some silver bullets...

What the lyrics ACTUALLY are: "It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets."
Song: Buy Me a Boat by Chris Janson

What Joni hears:  "...everytime we lagger we're losin"  (like when they drink 'lager' only with twang because it's a country song? I was so confused on this one).

What the lyrics ACTUALLY are: "Every time we lie girl, we're losin."
Song:  Sippin on Fire by Florida Georgia Line

What Joni hears: "..wrapped up like douche, in the mother in the night."

What the lyrics ACTUALLY are:  “Revved up like a Deuce, another runner in the night.”

Song: Blinded by the Light by Manfred Mann

What Joni's friend hears that makes her laugh every time: "...I turn my cheat music up and I perfume my chest..."

What the lyrics ACTUALLY are: "I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest."

Song: Jealous by Nick Jonas

What songs are you famous for messing up?

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