When Rascal Flatts first met, things didn't go all that well. Sure, Jay DeMarcus and Gary LeVox are cousins, so they were cool. But LeVox wasn't very kind to Joe Don Rooney. Then, something happened that set them on a course for superstardom. Do you know what it was?

During this week's episode of You Think You Know Country? you'll find footage of the band DeMarcus was in before Rascal Flatts, and you'll learn the tragic story of Rooney's hometown. LeVox's background is equally compelling. He gave up a very satisfying job to move to Music City at his cousin's request. It's a gig that truly shaped who he is today.

Every week, You Think You Know Country? introduces stories and facts about country's top artists. Rascal Flatts are arguably the most successful group in country music history, with a long string of Top 10 hits, a storage shed full of awards and several songs that will still be played 50 years from now. After you watch, be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

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