I am having a great time with all the dancing I'm doing for Dancing With the QC Stars to benefit Livefit with Lupus. However, there is one dramatic drawback....

I'm not 17 years old anymore. I know, I know! I know YOU know it, too. It's not like I'm delusional about it from a physical perspective. I recently had my daughter  help me  pluck my first grey hair, I see the forehead wrinkles starting to creep their way in and I've birthed three children. Oh boy, we really don't know what we've got til it's gone!! Haha.

Inside, my heart is so full doing what I love and feel so passionately about, the kid in me daydreams of how I'm going to tear up the dance floor! In my head, I am Jennifer Beals (Flashdance) dancin like I've never danced before. Like a maniac on the floor, and more realistically, I am kiiiinnnddaaa tearin my butt up like I've never danced before! I'm sore and using muscles that even make my guts hurt. Seriously.

I'm leaving work early today, before my next practice, to go to my chiros at Elite Health in Bettendorf. They were the lucky fellas to get a text from me after practice last night asking when I could come in today. You see, in my excitement for the finale dip in my chosen dance, I excitedly dipped back with the help of my dance coach, Johnny ... who didn't put me in the corner. But, it was that LAST dip, that did it. Just a wrong movement and I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my upper back. In the moment I came back up from the dip, I thought the right side of my chest was on fire. I didn't have the heart to tell him, so I immediately began stretching. That took the immediate pain away but even breathing deeply became more challenging.

I'm kickin my own butt and having a great time doing it! I'm sure I'll do it again before our December 9th performance of Dancing With the QC Stars at the Waterfront Convention Center. It's for a great cause (Livefit for Lupus) and by the end of it, I really do hope I'll have torn up the dance floor, Flashdance-style, far more than I have torn myself up!

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