The 100 degree heat index didn't keep me from wanting to run Insane Inflatables 5k last weekend! From the moment I got there, the excitement in the air was thicker than the humidity. People were lined up everywhere for the race, everyone looked happy and I was stoked for the Hawk's 11:30 a.m. wave! Here's what went down:

Ethan, the Insane Inflatable Super Announcer had the music cranked as Jay Rush and I got ready to climb up the start obstacle. Of course, I bounced and fell a little on the way up. So typical for me, as was falling on another obstacle because my legs were just too short! #shortgirlproblems. Haha! It still makes me laugh thinking about it.

I have no idea what my time was. I didn't care, either. I was having too much fun to pay attention to competitiveness or time. It was hot, so I paced  myself and was so very thankful to all the volunteers who helped pass out water along the way. It wasn't easy, especially the more tired I got, but all that matters to me is, I did it!  I can officially cross off a 'bucket-list item.' And that  makes me a very happy girl.

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