Dating and relationships. We can't live without them and after the lovey-dovey phase, we certainly have to work hard to live with them. This begs the age-old question: Why are they so complicated?

This new study I read on Yahoo! is just one of the many 'studies' and 'findings' about human nature and our relationship troubles that make our awareness of dating and being with someone so obviously complicated.

"It didn't turn out the way I thought it was going to be!" I've had to say that to myself in my lifetime a few, reaaallllllyyyyyy good times when it comes to relationships. Is anything, ever? My Dad taught me that change is the constant thing I can count on in life. I thought I understood what he meant when I was 16 years-old but such a deep concept in a young mind, while appreciated, had yet to be experienced.

According to this study, men like the intelligence of a woman but only at a distance. An intelligent woman ends up intimidating in-person and it turns out they prefer someone a little less intelligent to feel comfortable around. Say what?!

Of all the things you would want a man to appreciate about you, intelligence certainly should be one of them! What a crappy thing to realize.

The researchers say it's because men like the IDEA of a really smart woman . . . but for a lot of them, it's only cool when the relationship is hypothetical.  When it comes down to it and you're together in person, you can be intimidated by qualities like intelligence.




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